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Why Do I Write?

Part 1 l Manifesto


In order to create a manifesto about writing, I had to think about why I like to write. I often find myself writing for someone's birthday, mother's day, or father's day. I write during these times to make that speacial someone happy. The other times I frequently write is for an assignment, but I feel like a kid again by throwing in some metaphors and anecdotes. 


If you are writing you are a thinker. When I write it is because I am thinking, or talking, and want to put my thoughts and words on paper. Putting your words on paper makes them come to life. 


My manifesto is now full of life and ready to be read.        

Click image to read "Manifesto"

Part 2 It's Time to Begin


One of our first assignments in Writing 220: Introduction to the Minor in Writing was to write a paper on why we write. Wow. 


First, I was intimidated. It seemed like everyone around me in class wrote with such elegance - they made it seem easy.


Then, I was motivated. The assignment provided me with the opportunity to analyze my relationship with writing and address my intimidation. 


Finally, I was adventurous. As a class we workshopped three papers and I volunteered to have mine read and criticized by my elegant writer peers. 


My approach throughout this process: honesty. 

Click the circle on the right to see the drafts and notes for each project!

Click image to view "It's Time to Begin"

Click image to view "Manifesto"

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