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Why Write A Card?

The Original
Step 1 The Original Cards

Our final project consisted of three steps: chosing an old piece of writing,  re-purposing the piece, and creating a re-mediation of the re-puposed step.


I decided to use old cards I had written to family members. Cards have always had a special place in my family, and I knew I would remain passionate about the topic. 

Step 2 The New York Times Blog


Considering my orginal piece of writing, I thought it was appropriate to write a blog post. Blogs serve as catalysts for conversation, and the topic of writing cards is something that easily sparks discussion too.


I chose the "Opintionator" section of The New York Times as my template because it is a popular website for intellectual and provoking people. 

Click the circle on the right to see the drafts and notes for each project!
Step 3 | The Beauty in Writing a Card

For the re-mediation of my blog post, I decided to create a video. The goal of my video was to persuade people to either continue, or start, writing cards. 


I created a video because it allowed me to include the multiple elements of my research: interviews, quotes, statistics, and orginal cards.

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