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The Environment & Aluminum


You know when you get an assignment and just think to yourself, "Really? What in the world am I going to write about?"


Well, I asked myself that exact question when my Environmental professor explained our 

semester-long research paper topic. We had to choose an object, find out the main natural resource used to create it, and analyze the production of that natural resource. The idea behind it was cool: you often do not consider ALL the resources that are needed to make one tiny object, nor do you consider the environmental impact from all stages of the production.  


Taking what I learned from previous assignments, I knew I had to choose an object that meant something to me, or I would just be writing for a grade. I chose to investigate rivets because my family own a rivet company, which I surpisingly knew little about. Therefore, my paper focused on the aluminum production needed to make rivets. 


Through my research, I learned more about aluminum than I ever desired, but I was constantly engaged. 



Aluminum Production Scientific Research Paper.

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